Thursday, February 5, 2009


Yesterday was sharalynns was small but turned out nice for such short time planning. picutres maybe later.but, id hafta say..idk if id want to get married in a court house..ohhh and i decided..ther will be NO speeches :) hah. so i got to Karl and Ritas at about 115 i helped her get the dress ready (she had to alter it a bit) we got all the flowers together, got clothes for the kids and Karl, picked the kids up at 230 met Karl and Sharalynn at the Warehouse at 3-330-ish megan helped me do sharalynns hair, got her dressed and left for the wedding at 4.drove to the court house [what court house makes you go throu a metel dect.?!?] of course Sharalynn set the metel dect. off and rita was like um we're not taking her hair out..and the guy was like oh of course we're  not.whew.thought we were gonna have issues.haha so then we rode the elevater up to the floor and the door opens and there were all the cameras..(i for one dont like my picture being taken) sharalynn was SHOCKED! but, i was glad it turned out that way..There were quite a few ppl that was nice.I think she thought no one would go..but obviously that was NOT the case. Then afterwords, we all went to China Buffett (Marks gpa and gma go there everyday for lunch so  they gave us all discounts.haha) and then we headed to mtg. After mtg we went to Larry and Bonnies, sharalynns aunt and uncle, for cake and ice cream..the cake was small, but beautiful and had a mini reception. In July, i beleive,their having an actual reception. So then more of the family and friends can come. (my parents werent able to make it because of being gone.). 

Today i hung out with megan [skipppper ;) ] which was alot of fun..i remember thoses days id talk mom into letting me skip because "nothing is going on at school..i  swear" :) so, we "sunned" in the hot tub, went to town and got Orange Julius' and ice cream that i spilled chocolate ALL down my leg.hahahah i look like i pooped the outside of my pants hahaha and then 2 guys were like laughing at us .yeah,interesting i must say. and then we came home before Travis got home so he could get in the house...and SOMEONE drank all my orange "i only want a sip" hah that ONE sip turned into HALF my drink.haha its ok tho i prolly wouldn't have drank it all. he's soo cute.he gave me thee nicest hugs ever when i left. :) i cheris these moments bc sometimes their few and far between. 

Tonight has been VERY stressful!! I still need to finish packing so im ready to leave when i leave for school at 1030 and the workers are here (any other night and i would be glad they were here.) which means i hafta sleep upstairs which packing for me. I started it a little but most of my clothes are in the washer so...agghh im like on the verg of puking bc im so stressed out. and i forgot my glasses and contact case in the basement so looks like i'll b sleeping with my contacts wasnt too impressed.but oh well. oh and did i mention i forgot my pjs down ther too. *eyes roll* 

So, tomorrow is Friday (im sooo glad), and i have class at 1105-1155 then im going to karl and ritas and meeting Michael for supper then going to gosple mtg. and Sat, i fly out at 1205. 

ps.- mom said it got down to almost 40 =[ not happpy! lol 

1 comment:

  1. Neat to find your blog!
    A lot has happened since I was in the UP in 2005-06.
