Monday, April 13, 2009

38 hr week.

so..i just put down a 38 hr week at work..PLUS school. let me tell you..was i ever tired by

EIGHT DAYS!!! soo excited! and on top of it..i get to spend my birthday with my MOM! :D i cant wait. we're going to Madison and maybe getting a hotel but atleast going to hang out down there. and dad might actually be coming O_O that'll be a first.haha

so im REALLY annoyed with school...bc of their issues..i am no longer going to be finished with school now till July..and it really errks me. I'm pretty sure they need to clean house with their office personelle in ALL depts. asap. i found out im not the only one thats had issues with them.but w/e idc i just want to be done and get out of that school!!! 

oooh, so i need to get new plates for my car because mine expire on my birthday..but idk what to do..guess i'll just hafta go to the DMV soon and get them.or try.haha

ew.. so i just killed me SECOND spider on the wall NEXT TO MY BED!!!! siiiick. i HATE spiders.let alone next to me. and this last one was bigger (in body) than the first..the first was like a daddy long legg or something.ew.

all for now.

i love you.forever and always,  m.a.p. <3


  1. Spring is always a hard time to be in school, and then to find out you have to go even longer....
    What classes are you taking?

  2. It's a CNA class...the lady lied and said that i had to wait till the 9th of Apr to apply for the May 29th i called on the 9th only for her to tell me that it was a spring class and that was the first day of summmer classes..even tho that class WAS on the summer list..and she told me it was full so i had to pick another..even tho the first time we talked she said i would have first pick because i applied so early.akjf;afj;lakf;dlkj. not impressed!
