Monday, April 6, 2009

my once a month post.hehe

so.. sat i woke up at like 7 am (wow! lol) My intentions were.. to get up early enough so i could tell the family  bye before they left for Cali..well as im almost an hour down the road i hear this weird first thoughts were..the semi tht i was passing hit the rumble strip..but wait..its getting louder..its coming from MY im like hmm.thats werid..2 seconds later i see a peice of my tire flying at my thing i know BANG my tire blows..i put my blinker on fast and get pulled over...thankfully no cars were close behind. cant say that i was truly scared till AFTER the fact then i kinda broke down and cried.haha so i call dad and they all freak out..he thinks i flipped my car or something.but i hadnt. so he tells me to do all this stuff (which i refused because i was already embarassed enough haha) so i sit and wait..i call michael and he thankfully came and rescued me. ok and seriously people are so nice these days..i love how they all gawk and drive by..ok and the other thing i was impressed about was..not ONE but THREE cops DROVE BY!! annnnd...and TOW TRUCK.uh hello?!?! but i was please to see that i wasnt the only one that had a blow out..while i was waiting (for like 2 or 3 hours) another vehicle had one not even a mile from me.hahah i had to kinda laugh altho i didnt really feel sorry becase they must'v had people following them because like 3 cars were stopped. so michael got there (he brought a trailer with him) put the doughnut on my car and were able to get it to the off ramp which was no lie like 500 feet in front of my car..then we loaded my car on his trailer and trailered it the rest of the way to michaels.but thankfully i had started out early enough to allow for such issues to happen.haha and saturday michael put FOUR new tires on (this was my 2nd one going flat). 

but on the bright side..we got to go to Madison special mtg on sunday which was nice. and then monday i came home *rushed home* i should say for my 1105 am class..only to find out it was

tomorrow i have a drs appt..iv been having trouble with my blood i gotta go figure out whats going on..

well..i'll update later..



  1. What a day! What were the police thinking? Maybe they had something important... where your hazard lights on? Glad all worked out well in the long run.

  2. im not sure what they were thinking..obviously helping a poor girl out wasnt in their agenda :) michael said that they were prolly done with ther shift and wanted to get home.haha still...

    yeah, my hazard lights were on, and my trunk was open...and i was barely off the would think they would'v gotten the hint..guess not.haha

    yeah, i was glad everything worked out :) long day tho.haha
