Thursday, January 29, 2009


so i talked to my dad and ITS COLD IN FLORIDA for once :) hehe. a whopping 70 degrees!!!!! I said its about time..i'v had enough of their bragging..but, it better be 80 when i get down there .hehe 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


so, i figured id update this since i havnt for a while.

  • Mom and dad made it to Flordia and have done nothing but tell me how warm it is and how glad they can enjoy it!! They deserve to get away :) and im also excited because im meeting them next Saturday! Dad said today it was 85-ish degrees..ahhhh yes! altho right now im not too happy because we cant do enough to stay warm and their kicking blankets off at night while i cant find enough to pile on =] 
  • Mom and dad are talking about either getting a house or renting for part of the winter next totally supporting their idea :) i could go for visiting them a  few
  • School is going wonderful! I love my online class is kinda tricky and long but its very fun.
  • I just had to go to the dr and found out i have a UTI/ Kidney infection/Kidney stones.they weren't really sure what it is but they think its a combination of the three. Becuase i guess i had too much blood/protein in my urine which is caused by iv been dealing with that.and let me tell you..going to the bathroom every 5-10 mins is not fun at all!! haha. and if u know me..i HATE drinking excess of water.but let me tell you...having this is NOT fun at all :)
  • I'm so excited, Friday am i get to see seems like its been months :) My dad said distance makes the heart grow fonder, 2-ish weeks was WAY TOO LONG ;) 
  • I straightned my hair for the first time tonight...its so weird.hah 
  • oooh, Toby Keith is coming to Green Bay Feb 20th..i think a bounch of people should get together and'd b fun!
 idk what else to write about..thats about it i think :)

oh btw. Dan,Elaine,Angee,and Travis.--i miss you guys!! :) but, i hope to see you next weekend maybe?! after i get back from Florida. i dont hafta work on the weekend so i thought id sneak down.we'll see.


Saturday, January 17, 2009


Yesterday, I statarted back to was nice. Altho weird bc i had been off for quite a while. 

Tonight a friend and I were talking about Adoption. And got me thinking and i know i prolly talk alot about this subject and have talked about it in mtg and other places but It really means alot to me. I am so thankful that my birth mom had the strength to give me up..i know it would be very hard for me to do! But, I give her credit! It has often made me think about wanting to adopt (not that i wouldnt love my own as much). I know if i hadnt been adopted i wouldnt have had all the priviladges iv had in my 18 almost 19 years. In May, before graduation, I met my birth mom for the first time! It was something I have always thought about doing. And will be something I will always remember. I often think about where i could be if it hadnt been for my mom and dad who so willingly gave me a place in their heart! I found out that i was the first one in my whole family to graduate from high school let alone go to college!! My twin sisters (who are sophmores) will be the next. And, one of my brother is in prison... There were times when i thought life could be better but after thinking about this it came clear to me that i have anything i could ever want and that i didnt need it to be any better!! I take for granted so much how lucky i am and all that i have! I could go on and on but i'll spare you that :)

Micah, Me,  Breanna (My twin sisters and I)

Me,Marlena and Maddison (my sister and her baby girl)

Me and my Birth mom, Annie

I feel the "theme" of my year has been "Privilages". It seems like in my 18, almost 19 years i'v had so many!! Going to Alaska, visiting 25+ states, Mexico, the many conventions i have attended, perfessing,the truth, meeting my birth mom, being adopted, meeting wonderful friends/people, the list goes on and on.. I feel like i have so much to be thankful for and havnt been thankful enough. 

Dad and I at Graduation

  Turkey Hunting- May '08

Mom, Me & Dad
              Graduation May 24, 2008

Mom and Dad, Thank you so much for everything! You have sacrificed so much so that i could have a good life, and im not sure what i would'v done without you! The past couple months we have grown closer than we've ever been!  I love you so much!

<3 alyssa

Thursday, January 15, 2009

December in a nutshell...

So, Tomorrow i start back at work..i took off my whole winter break (amazing!) so i could go to Michaels..deff wonderful..cept on my travels the lovely Baraboo City Police thought they needed to give me a "citation" (why not just say know what you were talking about then ;] ) because the roads were slippery so i thought id be sneaky and go through that yellow light that so nicely turned to Red as i was half way throu..yeah, not impressed..because RIGHT after i went throu i noticed that lovely cop. mind you this is a ONE in the morning and im JUST getting into the end result was a $160 AND 80 cents, mind you, ticket...the cop let me know about that 80cents too!

Christmas Break went by SUPER fast..but was lots of fun! Its weird being somewhere where there is an abundance of heat ;) and i dont hafta fill the not that i minded. I made it home once to see the folks..its so nice what moving out does to your relationship..or ours atleast! altho it is quite weird to go home..its not quite the same..i feel weird finding my own :)

Tomorrow, Micheal also leaves for Montana for a week or so to go snowmobilling. He's all excited for that..hopefully no avalanches or any thing bad like that..

I started my online class - Human Body and Health in Diease. so thats gonna be fun..i dont start my actual class till Tuesday. im very excited about this latest class gets done at 11:55am. so thats nice.

ok enough for this post..dont want to bore you all :)


So i finially caved...

..and got a blog. 
it looked fun and i like reading other peoples blogs :) so im going to give it a try!