Wednesday, October 14, 2009

random tid bits.

so, we made it a year! thats a good accomplishment id say ;) and mom asked me if we ever fight..i dont think we've ever fought thats been more than a stupid argument over something that has no importance!

at the moment..i'm sick. respiratory flu i no meeting tonight :( im also very hungry but, i dont think i have any maybe i'll talk heather or i'll get the energy up to go out to the grocery store..haha

did i mention i miss my mom! :P

working all this week.till saturday..agh. i REALLLLY wish a job would work out by michael.theres openings but they all want 'experience' its sooo annoying because how in the world do they expect you to get experience if no one will hire you!!! rawr. anyyyways. iv applied to several places so hoping to atleast hear back from somewhere.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Michael Alan Parsons <3

have i ever said how MUCH i LOVE my boyfriend?! :)

well, i LOVE him a LOT!!

He is always there for me and pulls me up when im down. and puts up with me when i'm crabby and even when i'm stubborn :) i cant believe in 5 days its going to mark ONE YEAR! its amazing! He means the world to me!!

Then: Fall of '08

Now-ish: Spring '09


so, its Oct 5th ack!

6 more days.eeek :)

so, iv decided for something...but, its not 100% sure...iv talked it over with Michael and my mom and we all decided that im going to wait till after i start working to see if i still want to do this..but, i think i do.

today, i talked to a lady at the nursing home in Baraboo and she said that shes going to give my name and number to the hiring lady and pull my app :) and she was like "920" wheres that...and im like its a Green Bay number, but im looking to re-locate to the area so, im looking for a job here.and shes like OH! ok. and then, she asked me what shift (their hiring pms -2nd shift :] ) and full or part time...(idk which their hiring) and she said she'd have them give me a call! fingers are crossed! :)

things are great! i love life! :)

thinking of those going thru a bump in the road..hoping everything turns out wonderful.but, its going to be a verrry long road!thankful we have friends to depend on and gods people!